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Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
bruised and broken by the fall
If you tarry ’til you‘re better,
you will never come at all

Articles by Jake

The Most Common Problem

“When working with couples, what is the one problem you encounter most often?” That’s a question periodically posed to me in social settings, and it’s an easy question to answer. With almost every couple I see, “thinking and speaking” on one another’s behalf nearly always arises. You know what that’s like, just when you’re ready […]

Join the Church; Change the World

“Don’t tell me how to worship God. My faith is between me and God, and yours is between you and God. You have no right to butt into my relationship with God.” I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard this. It’s an error that, unfortunately, seems prevalent in our society whenever discussions […]

My Sincere Apologies

When you hear the name “Tiger Woods,” what comes to mind? Images of clutch putts and fist pumps? Thoughts of purchasing a Buick? Or do you envision a spoiled brat cursing noisy fans for interrupting his focus? Whatever your thoughts used to be, they’ve likely changed since his plunge from grace this year. Tiger cheated […]

What is Counseling All About?

Remember the story about a hiker several years ago in Utah? He was a young fellow hiking alone in the rugged wilderness of Utah. At one point during his hike he needed to jump from one rock to another. As he jumped, his hand gently dragged across a rock above him that he hadn’t realized […]

The Emotional Side of Christ

We are reminded in the article, “One Hole in the Community,” that we don’t want to be known simply for our wonderful social services, but rather as a reflection of a wonderful God. In creating a counseling ministry, how then do we display the wonder of our Lord? Why, by doing what Jesus did of […]