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No live worship service today due to the storm!

Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
bruised and broken by the fall
If you tarry ’til you‘re better,
you will never come at all

Ongoing gatherings

Email the church office at if you have questions.

Truths We Confess- A Study in the Larger Catechism

Thursdays, 6-8pm, at the church.

Come study what we believe as we explore the Westminster Confession and Catechism. Bring your Bible and a notebook. Meets weekly.

Led by Pastor Adam Lee

hands open to God

Weekly Prayer

Every Sunday at 6 – 7 pm at the church. You can come for the whole hour or just part. The church will be open.
Contact Alice or Ken for more info. ALL are welcome.

selective focus photography of lighterd candle

Lake Region Home Group

This group is back in action. See Brian & Terry Cosgrove, or Robert & Joanne Crosby for more info. And check out the Events Calendar as we will try to update that with upcoming meeting dates.

ALL are welcome.

Zoom Home Group

This group meets the second and fourth Saturday of the month, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Contact Bill.

Studying the gospels of Mark, Luke & John.

ALL are welcome.

Ladies Monthly Breakfast

The Ladies breakfast and time of prayer is the 2nd Saturday of each month, 9:30 am. It’s at the Cosgrove home in Casco and has had a wonderful mix of ladies each month. 

We enjoy the fellowship, food, a devotional time and then prayer.

All are welcome.