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No live worship service today due to the storm!

Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
bruised and broken by the fall
If you tarry ’til you‘re better,
you will never come at all


At Free Grace, we believe that everything that exists is God’s (Deuteronomy 10:14). He is the creator of all things. He is also the king of all creation (Psalm 47:7-8).

Through Jesus Christ we are his children and heirs with Christ, acknowledging his kingdom and his rule over us. As his beloved children and citizens of his kingdom, we act as stewards: managing those things that belong to him, and not us, for his glory (1 Peter 4:10-11). Our stewardship encompasses all that God gives us: time, finances, skills, relationships, influence, etc.

Our example is Christ himself. His sacrificial love for us, that he gave himself so that we could inherit the riches of heaven, prompts our love for each other. It is the “riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us” (Ephesians 1:7-8) that we have experienced in Jesus. It is this grace that undergirds and moves us toward generosity and cheerful sacrifice. We give freely and joyfully because we know his love and grace and we long to see his kingdom go forward.

Ways to give

Gifts may be placed in the offering each Sunday or mailed to the church. You can also give online (either one-time or monthly):