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No live worship service today due to the storm!

Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
bruised and broken by the fall
If you tarry ’til you‘re better,
you will never come at all

Articles by Per

Plan for Reopening

An Easter Prayer

Our Father in heaven, Jesus has risen indeed!  Sin chooses death, receives death, and deserves death! But today we celebrate life eternal through Christ’s victory over both sin and death! Lord, if death is the proof of our sin, then Christ’s resurrection is the proof of our salvation. We are in Christ; we live because […]

Engaging with God: How do we worship?

How do we take the basic biblical principles of worship and work them out in a worship service? What distinguishes the form from the elements from the accidents of worship? How do we approach each of these biblically? Class Notes    

Engaging with God: What is Worship?

Worship |ˈwərSHəp| show reverence and adoration for (a deity) treat (someone or something) with the reverence and adoration appropriate to a deity take part in a religious ceremony Defining worship is somewhat akin to nailing jello to a tree – easy to do and yet hard to truly get a hold of. Any definition must […]

Living Upside Down

When we know the grace of God crashing over us in Jesus Christ, we experience a culture shock. The gospel brings us face-to-face with who we really are: sinners who don’t deserve God’s love. Yet at same time we discover that God loved us enough to become human and die for us. All of sudden […]

Living a Magnetic Life

Go on up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good news; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good news; lift it up, fear not; say to the cities of Judah, “Behold your God!” Isaiah 40:9 Isaiah 40 begins with God’s call: Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Isaiah spends […]

Our Thoughts of God are Too Human

Our Thoughts of God are Too Human: Beholding our God How can I trust? How can I believe I matter? I was confronted by these questions recently in the form of a good friend, one who has gone through traumatic events. They got me thinking because we all struggle with these questions at some level. […]

Contrasting Views of Home

I’ve been caught in the crossfire between two contrasting views of Lewiston-Auburn. As I reflect on the two pictures of our community, both show God’s hand at work. On the one hand, there are the great struggles and needs of the community and of the church, It can be easy to see the dirt, the […]

Thanksgiving Time

by Laura Ingalls Wilder originally published in The Missouri Ruralist, November 20, 1916        As Thanksgiving day draws near again, I am reminded of an occurrence of my childhood. To tell the truth, it is a yearly habit of mine to think of it about this time and to smile at once more.      […]

Advice for the Sermonally Challenged

Scripture is the Word of God, with the power to give life and to transform lives. Preaching that is true to Scripture, therefore, is able to convert, convict, and conform the spirits of men and women because it proclaims the very Word of God. This is the power of preaching. This is also the importance […]